Dragomir R. Radev
Dragomir R. Radev is a University of Michigan computer science professor working on natural language processing and information retrieval. He is currently working on the fields of open domain question answering, multi-document summarization, and the application of NLP in Bioinformatics and Political Science.
Radev received his PhD in Computer Science from Columbia University in 1999. He is the secretary of ACL (2006–present) and associate editor of JAIR.
As NACLO founder, Radev shared the Linguistic Society of America 2011 Linguistics, Language and the Public Award. He is the Co-winner of the Gosnell Prize (2006).
Radev has served as the coach and led the US national team in the International Linguistics Olympiad (ILO) to several gold medals [1][2].
Selected Papers
External links
- Team USA Brings Home the Linguistics Gold
- Dragomir Radev, Co-Founders Recognized as NACLO Receives Linguistics, Language and the Public Award
- Dragomir Radev Coaches US Linguistics Team to Multiple Wins
- Dragomir Radev Honored as ACM Distinguished Scientist
- Prof. Dragomir Radev Receives Gosnell Prize
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